VOLUME 8 - No: 2


i-iv .PDF


Ankara'nın Başkent Olma Süreci
93-104 .PDF
In Support of 'Ankara 2015'
105-114 .PDF
The Birth of an Aesthetic Discourse in Ottoman Architecture
115-122 .PDF
Batılılaşma Döneminde Osmanlı Sağlık Kuruluşları
123-142 .PDF
Utopia and Determinism: Architectural Deterministic Thinking in Urban Utopias
143-152 .PDF
Place, Craft and the Ambiguity of High-Tech
153-160 .PDF
Analogical Models in Architecture and Urban Design
161-187 .PDF
İngiliz Peyzaj Anlayışına bir Bakış
189-193 .PDF
Manipulations of the Circle: an Introduction to Traditional Closed-Loop String Figures
195-211 .PDF

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