VOLUME 26 - No: 1




Teoman Aktüre, Fahrettin Tolun, Deniz Şengel
v-x .PDF


Letter from the Editor / Derleyen’in Mektubu
xi-xiv .PDF


Sociospatial Segregation and Consumption Profile of Ankara in the Context of Globalization
1-47 .PDF
Kırılan Temsiliyet: Libeskind’de Bellek, Tarih ve Mimarlık
49-70 .PDF
Experiencing the Real-Scale: Mock-up of a Set Design Project
71-80 .PDF
Legal Frameworks and Housing Environments in North Cyprus
81-100 .PDF
Çorum’da Sıradışı bir Han Yapısı Üzerine Gözlemler: VeliPaşa Hanı - Anadolu Oteli
101-121 .PDF
Conservation of Urban Space as an Ontological Problem
123-156 .PDF
Materials-Inspired Innovation for Acoustic Guitar Design
157-175 .PDF

Book Review

İzmir’den Bakışla Türk Ticaret-i Bahriyesi ve Mübadele Gemileri / Lozan’dan Kabotaja
187-190 .PDF

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