METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture Author Guidelines


1. Format of Presentation

Papers exceeding 8000 words are not accepted. When calculating the word count, all sections of a paper (abstract and bibliography included) should be taken into account. The author(s) should write down the total number of words in their papers after the keywords.  

All manuscripts submitted for publication must be accurately typed. They should conform to the regulations outlined in the Author Guidelines. Submissions in contrary to the guidelines will be rejected and author(s) will be notified by email.

Submissions to the METU JFA should be comprised of the following sections and made through the online system. Papers that are not submitted online will not be considered.

    3. MAIN TEXT
    6. CAPTIONS OF VISUAL MATERIALS (Tables, Figures, etc.)

1.1. Author Resume

The resume(s) of the author(s) must be prepared in English and should not exceed 50 words. Resumes have to be prepared for each author, in case the paper is written by more than one person. Email(s) of the author(s) should be specified at the end of resume(s).

Authors’ resumes along with other identification information have to be submitted as a separate MS Word file, as explained earlier. 

Please refer to the exemplary resume and affiliation note provided below.

Author CV:


Received his B.Arch and MSc. in Industrial design from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in 1987 andin 1990 respectively. Earned his PhD. degree in architecture from the Design Informatics Chair of Delft University of Technology (1996). Major research interests include computational design, information and knowledge modelling and user friendly product design.

Author affiliation*:

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Design, Kadir Has University, İstanbul, TURKEY.

* Author affiliation shows the institutions that the author(s) work at the time that their paper is published in JFA.

1.2. Paper Title, Abstract and Key Words

Papers should have short and precise titles, reflecting the topic and the content. 

All manuscripts should have two abstracts, one in Turkish and one in English. Paper title should also be translated along with the abstract. Depending on the nature of the manuscript, the abstract should be between 200-800 words and attention should be paid not to exceed 1000 words. The abstract should explain the aims and major conclusions of the paper and, if possible, should not include any citations.

In addition, the designation of five keywords in both languages is essential. Please ensure that keywords are informative of the manuscript’s topic and content.

Following the keywords, total number of words in the manuscript (inclusive of all sections) should be mentioned. 

1.3 Main Text

The entire manuscript should be prepared double spaced with a font size of 10 pt. in MS Word.

Two double spaces should be left between paragraphs for a uniform block format. Lines should not be indented. If the text is subdivided into sections, these subdivisions should be differentiated by numbers placed on the left as shown:

1.(single-numbered): PART (bold and UPPERCASE)
1.1 (double-numbered): Division (bold and Title Case)
1.1.1 (triple-numbered): Subdivision (regular and Title Case)

No further subdivisions should be used.

Please do not use italics, underline, bold, “double quote” and ‘apostrophe’ in section titles and text to emphasize terms or concepts.

Tables produced in MS Word could be inserted into the text wherever necessary. However, tables produced with other software and applications have to be submitted as single, separate files in one of the following formats: “pdf”, “jpeg” . Table captions could be placed in appropriate parts of the text where tables will be inserted. Table captions should be numbered as follows: Table 1., 2., 3...    

1.3.1 Quotations 

Quotations longer or shorter than a sentence may be made subject to proper acknowledgement. However, the authors should pay attention to keep the number of direct quotations at minimum. If necessary, quotations should be given in quotation marks and typed single-spaced with a font size of 9 pt., and marked with an indentation of 1 cm from left margin of the text. Original source has to be cited at the end of each quotation. Quotations with ellipsis indicate sections omitted in the original text. Comments of the author may be inserted within the quotations by the use of brackets.

METU JFA pays special attention to language quality of the manuscripts. Papers submitted to the journal should be written in a clear language without grammatical and spelling mistakes. If necessary, the author(s) should have their manuscripts edited by a native speaker before submitting to the journal. The editors may ask for such professional editing as part of revisions. 

Only foreign words as well as journal and book names will be printed in italics in the manuscript.

When mathematical notations are used, the author must favor the form of notation that will facilitate printing.

For example:

exp [(x2 +y2 )1/2 /a] instead of  Sample

Formulas and equations must be numbered in parentheses on the right in order to ascertain their connection with the text. The author may opt to transfer the mathematical components of the text to the endnotes. Infrequently used names and symbols and special words and terms must be underlined and explained the very first time they appear in the text.

1.3.2 References in the text

A. Open References within the text

Standard example:

For Lyotard (1984), Jameson (1985) and others, the emergence of post-Modern architecture is linked also to the emergence of a new economic, social and cultural dynamic.

References with two authors:

… Ogden ve Richards (1923) …

More than two authors:

… Ersoy vd. (2006) …


… Reisoğlu (1966, 17-19) …

Same author and year, more than one reference

… Reisoğlu (1963a, 22-31; 1963b, 267) …

B.  Closed references within the text

Standard example

Modernism lost much of its sense of social purpose and, with it, almost all of its criteria for quality (Allsopp, 1977; Ravetz, 1980).

References with two authors:

… (Ogden ve Richards, 1923).

More than two authors:

… (Ersoy vd., 2006).


… (Reisoğlu, 1966, 17-19, 38).

Same author and year, more than one reference

… (Reisoğlu, 1963a, 22-31; 1963b, 267).

More than one source

… (Newman, 1935, 18-23; Derksen, 1940, 124).

  1. Çevrimiçi [online] kaynaklar

Online documents should also be cited properly by mentioning the publication dates and names of the authors or organizations produced the document as follows:

         ... (World Urbanization Prospects, 2008).

When listing an online document in the bibliography, the associated link (URL) should be given completely along with the date of last access to that link. In addition, such information as author name, publication date, publisher, affiliated organization, etc. should also be provided. Online references are placed in the bibliography with all other references in alphabetical order.    

1.4 Endnotes

Endnotes are used to introduce a lateral argument to the main idea in the text, to provide additional information or in some cases, to directly indicate a reference.

Endnotes are denoted by the numbers (1)(2)(3) which are printed bold in parentheses at the end of the relevant sentence.

Endnotes must definitely not be written under or beside the page of text with which they are associated. They must be numbered in such consecutive order as 1.,2.,3..., and listed at the end of the main text in accordance with the general format of the text.

References used in endnotes should be included in bibliography and follow the same format of presentation as in the text.

Endnotes should be used if necessary. Authors should try to keep the number of endnotes at minimum. Editors may ask the authors to reduce the number of endnotes as part of revisions. 

In papers that are based on graduate thesis or unpublished presentations from conferences, information regarding the thesis or the presentation should be added to the first endnote.

1.5 Bibliography

All references including books, articles, lectures, online documents, etc. are to be given in the bibliography in alphabetical order. If the author is not indicated, the name of the affiliated organization should be given.

Format of references:

A. Books

  1. Standard example (single author):
    ALLPORT, G.W. (1973) Pattern and Growth in Personality, Holt, Reinhardt and Winston, New York.

  2. Two authors
    OGDEN, C.K., RICHARDS, I.A. (1923) The Meaning of Meaning, Harcourt Brace, New York.

  3. More than two authors
    PRASAD, N., RANGHIERI, F., SHAH, F., TROHANIS, Z., KESSLER, E., SINHA, R. (2009) Climate Resilient Cities: A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters, World Bank, Washington DC.

  4. Book without author name
    The Lottery (1923) J. Watts, London.

  5. Translation
    BILLINGTON, D.P. (1965) Concrete Shell Structures, Betonarme Kabuk Yapılar, çev. H. Kabataş ve M. Pultar (1975) İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul.

  6. Edited works
    YAVUZ, A., UĞUREL, Ü.N., der. (1984) Tarih İçinde Ankara, Seminer Bildirileri (28-30 Eylül 1981) Mimarlık Fakültesi, ODTÜ, Ankara.

  7. Published or written by an organization
    DİE (1972) 1970 Binalar Sayımı, yayın no: 647, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.

  8. Article in edited book
    YAVUZ Y. (1984) 1923-1928 Ankara’sında Konut Sorunu ve Konut Gelişmesi, Tarih İçinde Ankara, Seminer Bildirileri (28-30 Eylül 1981) der. A. Yavuz, Ü.N. Uğurel, Mimarlık Fakültesi, ODTÜ, Ankara; 235-56.

    BRONTON, P. (1969) Behavior, Body Mechanics and Discomfort, Sitting Posture, ed. E. Grandjean, Taylor and Francis, London; 315-32.

  9. Reports
    STONE, P.T., THOMPSON, G.S. (1970) Seating for Motor Vehicles, report no: MVR-3, Loughborough College of Technology, Loughborough.

  10. Theses 
    FRIEDMAN, S.M. (1969) Relationship Between Cognitive Complexity, Interpersonal Dimensions and Spatial Preferences and Properties, yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of California, Berkeley.

    BEKTÖRE, İ.S. (1986) Formation of Apartment Blocks in Squatter Areas as a Distinct Aspect of Unauthorised Urban Housing Stock, yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, ODTÜ, Ankara.

B. Citation of periodicals:

  1. Periodicals having volume and issue number
    KAVAS, K.R. (2012) A Critical Review of the Roman Atrium House: Reading the Material Evidence on ‘Atrium’, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 29(2) 143-55.

  2. Periodicals having only issue number
    BARAKAT, H. (1969) A Process of Encounter between Utopia and Reality, The British Journal of Sociology (20) 1-10.

C. Periodicals having only issue number

World Urbanization Prospects (2008) The 2011 Revision Population Database. [] Erişim Tarihi (11.01.2013).

1.6 Captions of Visual Material

Please provide a list of captions of visual materials (pictures, maps, plans, graphics, etc.) after the bibliography in the main text. In preparation of this list, all visual materials should be numbered as per their order in the manuscript, such as Figure 1.,2.,3., etc. In METU JFA all visual materials (pictures, maps, plans, graphics, etc.) other than Tables are referred to as Figures and numbered according to their order of appearance in the paper. Numbers of visual materials used in the manuscript must be mentioned in the text where they are associated in either of the following formats, depending on the nature of the relevant sentence: Figure 1 or (Figure 1). As for figures that appear more than once in the manuscript, the figure number should be given based on the first appearance and used constantly.        

Sources of visual materials have to be mentioned after the captions in line with the general guidelines for references. Please refer to the following example: Figure 1. Isparta City, Master Plan of 1943 (Isparta Provincial Administration, 1991)

1.7 Symbols and Abbreviations

All special symbols and abbreviations, which are used in the formulae must be compiled in a list and appended to the manuscript following the “Captions of Visual Materials”. Abbreviations such as ibid., op.cit., loc.cit., should not be used.

Symbol of “&” should not be used in the manuscript, unless it is part of corporate names or publisher names. 

Instead of BC (Before Christ) and AC (After Christ), please pay attention to use BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era).

Numbers at the beginning of a sentence should be written out. For instance, please write “Twentieth Century” rather than “20th Century” or “XX. Century”, if you start the sentence with these words.    

1.8 Recommended Referees

Authors are expected to submit the names and contact details of two referees who are authorities in the field and who may upon request assess the manuscripts submitted. Authors should also mention the reason of their recommendation. However, the Editorial Board may correspond with other referees at its discretion.

1.9 Visual Materials

As the manuscripts, originality is also expected in visual materials used in manuscripts. Authors are requested to submit originals of such documents as drawings, diagrams, tables, sketches, photographs, maps, etc.

Publication of visual documents less than 10 years old in technical subjects, and less than 50 years old in the area of the fine arts requires written authorization from the holder(s) of copyright.

Authors are reminded that the international agreements in which Turkey is a party, the national press-laws and the regulations of copyright are applicable in the Journal. The copyright of any original text, picture or diagram found or produced by the author, and published in the METU JFA belongs to the author and may not be used without the author’s consent. Documents produced by other authors or institutions require written authorization for reproduction.

Visual materials like pictures, photographs, maps, drawings and charts should be submitted as “jpeg” and as separate files. The names of the files including visual materials should be numbered in accordance to the arrangement within the text (Figure 1., Figure 2., Figure 3, etc.). The width of the images should be at least 10 cm with a resolution of 300 dpi, in other words at least 1200 pixels. These should be considered during the preparation of the visual materials (as in scanning or photo shooting). The number of pixels should not be changed by resampling the image.

Visual materials like charts and drawings produced at different programs should be converted to “tiff” or press quality “pdf” files using the proper conversion utilities of the programs. Images cannot be submitted within MS Word files. If there are charts or drawings formed using the drawing tools on MS Word, these are expected to be converted to separate “pdf” files.

If more than one visual material has to be arranged to form a single figure or table, the pictures do not have to be sent separately. In such cases the visual material can be arranged as necessary and sent as a single “jpeg” image. If this is the case, the author should make sure that the image fits a maximum area of 18x24 cm and is legible. Resolution criteria should also be kept in mind when arranging such visual documents.

Authors are expected to keep the number of visual materials moderate and efficient. Editors may if necessary demand from the authors to reduce the number of visual materials used in manuscripts. For further information on the preparation of visual materials, METU JFA Guide for preparation of Visual Materials can be accessed on our web page.

2. After Acceptance

Author(s) of manuscripts accepted for publication will be informed via email. After acceptance, the layout editor of the journal will correspond with the author(s) to facilitate the timely publication of papers without any problems. Authors are responsible for eliminating the problems and shortcomings encountered by the layout editor during typesetting.

Proofs are sent to the authors to be corrected. In principle, the authors are expected to correct the proofs and send them back to the journal in a week. Only minor corrections regarding the format and typographical errors are allowed to be made at this stage. In case of any substantial revisions made to the papers at this stage, the editorial board may consider to send out the paper for peer review.  

Contact Details for Correspondence

Elektronik sisteme kayıt olan ve yazılarını elektronik sistem üzerinden dergiye ulaştıran yazarlar, yazılarının durumunu dergi web sayfasıüzerinden izleyebilirler. Yazarlar ayrıca, web sayfası üzerinden e-posta yoluyla da dergi ile iletişime geçebilirler. Bunlar dışındaki konular için dergi iletişim bilgileri aşağıda verilmektedir.

METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Dumlupınar Bulvarı No.1 06800, Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Phone: (90.312) 210 7038



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